지역 사회의 인공 호수에서 널리 사용되는 GCL 라이너


GCL Liners or Bentonite Waterproof Blankets Widely Used in the Artificial Lakes in the Communities

Bentonite waterproof blanket is a special bentonite waterproof blanket for the artificial lake in the community.

Bentonite waterproof blanket (GCL) is a kind of geosynthetic material specially used for anti-leakage of artificial lake water features, landfills, underground garages, roof gardens, pools, oil depots and chemical storage yards. The sodium-based bentonite is filled between the special composite geotextile and non-woven fabric. 

The bentonite impermeable pad made by needle punching can form many small fiber spaces of the iron remover. The bentonite particles cannot flow in one direction. A uniform and high-density gel-like waterproof layer is formed in the pad to prevent water leakage.

벤토나이트 방수 블랭킷 또는 GCL 라이너는 설치 과정에서주의해야 할 사항이 많이 있습니다. 물론 땅에 물이 쌓이면 처음에는 배수해야합니다. 

GCL 라이너는 물 프로젝트와 환경을 보호하는 데 좋은 재료입니다.

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